Friday, 25 May 2007


Cassie lead me over to the settee against the wall in my office and sat me down, I was still struggling to get my breath back after choking on my sandwich.

How weird is that? Justin may well make my skin crawl, but apart from revulsion his name didn't normally elicit any other form of reaction from me.

It is strange isn't it how individuals like Justin exist and survive.

Born with diamond plated silver spoons in their mouths and a modicum of attractiveness and intelligence they stride around the world with an air of importance that they don't deserve and certainly haven't earned.

Money and glamour blind people, they make them naieve and pliable ... why should we like someone more because they have money ... if you know a lot of rich people you will also know that they are the tightest bastards around.

Do we think that some of it will 'rub off on us'? Do we think that we will get better luck, better fortune just by grovelling to them?

I really have no idea ... however, I do know that if Justin had no money then most people wouldn't give him the time of day.

If fact, I'm fairly certain that if Justin had no money he would probably be on death row by now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love love love i love my beauty bags i love the capitalchicks i want them to be on the telly why arent they whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy?