Friday 8 June 2007


I fished in my bag and pulled out the portfolio of male models and threw it on the table .... ' I think I'd better lighten the mood, have another rifle through those girls whilst I pop to the loo, when I come back then I guess we'd better get down to some planning and scheming!

I stood and Millie did the same, 'I'll come with you', she said as we made our may to the restrooms.

As we stood in front of the mirrors freshening up I noticed that Millie's eyes had suddenly filled with tears.

I turned to look at her, 'What is it hon? What's wrong?'

The tears were suddenly running down her cheeks.

'Oh Amanda ... I'm not cut out for all of this ... you three are all so strong, so confident ... I'm not, I'm not in the same league ... I just don't want to let you all down...'

I embraced her and held her close.

'Millie, you may not think it but you are every bit as strong as the rest of us. For God's sake look at me, I'm a bloody nightmare most of the time. Loud, in-your-face ... way too much for way too many people! Now look at you .... everyone loves you ... you are kind, sensitive and loving. Without you where do you think we would be?

We need you Millie ... probably a lot more than you think ......


Anonymous said...

i like millie best.
i hate paris hitlon too.
i must be a capitalchick.

Anonymous said...

where's cassie

Anonymous said...

teardrops on the dancefloor, remind me baby of you.

Anonymous said...